MARA 24-25

Returning MARA Athlete Registration Opens Nov 18

First Year MARA Registration Opens Nov 25

Here is a brief overview for parents of what to expect as your athlete participates in MARA skiing programs.

Deposit Checks:

Bring your two deposit checks to jacket pickup. One of each check per family with your athlete’s name, made out to MARA – See our FAQ page for info on deposits.

  • $100 – Jacket Deposit
  • $100 – Volunteer Deposit

Volunteer Sign-Up:

MARA hosts 3 ski races during the season (6 days of racing in total). Parents are required to volunteer for two race days during the season. This year, you will automatically be signed up to volunteer on the day of your athlete’s registered program, Saturday or Sunday. 

- **6-week parents**: Volunteer for the Shakespeare Cup on February 1/2
- **9-week parents**: Volunteer for the Keiser Cup on March 1/2
- **12-week parents**: Volunteer for the Sloan Cup on March 22/23

Please remember that you still need to register for your second volunteer day in addition to the automatic sign-up. Check out our Volunteer Guide to explore details and roles, and sign up below!

Saturday Shakespeare Volunteer

Sunday Shakespeare Volunteer

Saturday Keiser Volunteer

Sunday Keiser Volunteer

Saturday Sloan Volunteer

Sunday Sloan Volunteer

Non-race day

Ski races are fun events where MARA athletes experience alpine ski racing in a supportive environment.  Ski races require numerous volunteers to be successful. No experience is necessary, and off-snow roles are available.

Jacket & Merch Pick-Up

At the Phoodery on December 7th from 5-7pm.


MARA offers scholarships for athletes in financial need.  Applications for financial aid will be due in December. Applications for financial assistance can be found here

Information regarding fees can be found here. 


The Mt. Ashland Racing Association is not a learn to ski program. Our programs train athletes across all mountain terrain; teaching a variety of techniques and turns, all of which require a strong foundation of basic fundamentals.

Required fundamentals include: making linked parallel turns (or mostly parallel turns) in both directions at a consistent speed, have the ability to perform a hockey stop safely and effectively, the ability to ski all blue runs on Mt. Ashland, independently load and unload chairlifts (including Ariel), and comfortably ride chairlifts by themselves. Preferably, athletes ski with poles upon entering the program and are 7 years old by the start of the season.

Athletes’ skills will be assessed on the first day of training. This is to guarantee all athletes are placed in groups appropriate for their development and ability levels. If the skills mentioned above are beyond your athlete, we will refer you to the Mt. Ashland Ski School. They offer lessons that will help get your athlete up to speed. MARA membership fees will be returned in-full in these instances.  Your athlete may re-enroll with MARA the following season.


If you have any questions about registration or MARA in general, we encourage you to check out our FAQ page .  For all other inquiries, feel free to contact the MARA administrator at

All payments are processed through PayPal – you do not need to have a PayPal account. Once you have completed the application and clicked the “submit” button, you will be taken to the PayPal website where you can pay with a credit / debit card.


Liability Release and Indemnity/Medical & Insurance Agreement

LIABILITY RELEASE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT I acknowledge that skiing is a hazardous activity and that I have made a voluntary choice to participate in the MARA Program at the Mt. Ashland Ski Area despite the risks that it presents. I agree to assume any and all risks of injury or death which may be associated with or result from my participation. I further agree to RELEASE FROM LIABILITY and to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the organizers (MARA and MT ASHLAND ASSOCIATION d.b.a. SKI ASHLAND) and their owners, agents, landowners, affiliated companies and employees from any and all claims by or on behalf of myself and/or the participant arising out of or related to competing, training, instruction, conditioning, use of ski area premises or facilities, and/ or travel to and from activities, including any and all loss, claim or damage resulting from or occurring due to participant’s failure to have and/or wear a helmet, which is required to participate in a MARA sponsored event. Despite this requirement, I understand that helmets are not designed to prevent injury under all circumstances and that use of a helmet is no guarantee for my safety. I, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE CAREFULLY READ AND UNDERSTOOD THIS AGREEMENT AND ALL OF ITS TERMS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS A RELEASE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT WHICH MAY PREVENT ME OR ANY OTHER PERSON FROM RECOVERING ANY DAMAGES IN THE EVENT OF DEATH OR ANY INJURY TO THE PARTICIPANT. I, NEVERTHELESS, ENTER INTO THIS AGREEMENT FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY AND AGREE THAT IT IS BINDING UPON ME, MY HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES. RELEASOR HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT I WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY MARA SPONSORED EVENT WITHOUT A HELMET. MEDICAL AND INSURANCE AGREEMENT Parents and athlete hereby authorize MARA and/or its designated coaches to secure any hospital, medical, dental, or surgical care, treatment and/or procedures. Parent also consents that in the event of injury to the athlete, coaches can sign for the athlete to receive care, treatment and/or procedures under the instructions and directions of the licensed physician on call at the emergency room of the nearest hospital or emergency facility; but parents and athlete will pay for such care, treatment, and procedures. MARA or designated coach will notify parent at the earliest possible time during or after such care, treatment, and/or procedures. Parent knowingly and voluntarily consents in advance to such care, treatment or procedures to encourage physicians and/or coaches to exercise their best judgment as to the requirements of such care, treatment or procedures. Athlete and Parent hereby specifically indemnify and agree to hold harmless MARA and Ski Ashland, and their respective directors, employees, agents, volunteers, and coaches from all cost or any claim arising out of/or in connection with such care, treatment and/or procedures. MARA requires that athlete be covered by valid and sufficient medical insurance. Parent agrees to provide this information to MARA so prompt medical care can be obtained if needed. For the consideration of ski racing, instruction, and training performed by MARA, the athlete and parent/legal guardian do hereby covenant and agree to hold harmless and indemnify MARA and Ski Ashland and their respective directors, employees, volunteers, agents and coaches for any injury sustained by athlete/child/ward occurring or arising out of activities of ski racing, instruction, racing, training, or traveling to and from races or training. This indemnity includes claims based on negligence.

MARA Code of Conduct

MARA Code of Conduct Membership in the Mt. Ashland Racing Association (MARA) is a privilege, not a right. All MARA members (athletes, coaches, parents, board members and officials) when participating in any MARA activity must agree to conduct themselves according to MARA’s core values of Team, Loyalty, Integrity, Respect, Perseverance, and Accountability and abide by the spirit and dictates of this Code of Conduct. All members must agree to comport themselves in a sportsmanlike manner, and are responsible for their actions while attending or participating in all MARA activities (including but not limited to camps, competitions, and projects). Sportsmanlike conduct is defined as, but is not limited to: respect for fellow MARA members regardless of occasion, respect for competition officials, resort employees, and the skiing and snowboarding public, respect for facilities, privileges and operating procedures, the use of courtesy and good manners, acting responsibly and maturely, refraining from the use of profane or abusive language, and abstinence from illegal or immoderate use of alcohol and use of illegal or banned drugs. While participating in any MARA activity: 1. MARA members shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the International Ski Federation Statutes, the United States Olympic Committee Bylaws, the USSA Bylaws, and the MARA Code of Conduct. 2. MARA members shall conduct themselves at all times and in all places as befits worthy representatives of the United States of America, the United States Olympic Committee, USSA, the Western Region, the PNSA and Far West divisions, and MARA in accordance with the best traditions of national and international competition. 3. MARA members are responsible for knowledge of and adherence to competition rules and procedures. Members are also responsible for knowledge of and adherence to the rules and procedures of the USSA national teams and camps, MARA camps, camps conducted by other clubs or organizations or other projects when participating in such. 4. MARA members shall maintain high standards of moral and ethical conduct, which includes self-control and responsible behavior, consideration for the physical and emotional well­being of others, and courtesy and good manners. 5. MARA members shall abide by MARA and USSA rules and procedures while traveling to and from and participating in official MARA activities. 6. MARA members shall abstain from illegal and/or immoderate consumption of alcohol. Absolutely no consumption of alcohol is permitted for those individuals under the age of 21. 7. No MARA member shall commit a criminal act. 8. No MARA member shall engage in any conduct that could be perceived as harassment. That includes, but is not limited to harassment based upon gender, age, race, religion or disability. 9. MARA members will avoid profane or abusive language and disruptive behavior. 10. MARA members agree to abide by anti-doping rules and procedures established by WADA, USADA, and/or FIS. Failure to comply with any of the above provisions by an athlete, an athlete’s parent(s) or guardians(s), a coach, an official, a board member or any MARA employee, may lead to disciplinary action by MARA. -Disciplinary action may include: -Removal from the team trip or training camp. -Suspension from training and/or competition. -Elimination of coaching, travel, and other benefits. -Forfeiture of MARA membership. Nothing in this Code shall be deemed to restrict the individual freedom of a MARA member in matters not involving activities in which one could not be perceived as representing MARA. In choices of appearance, lifestyle, behavior and speech while not representing MARA, competitors shall have complete freedom, provided their statements and actions do not adversely affect the name and reputation of MARA or USSA. However, in those events where one is representing or could be perceived as representing MARA, MARA demands that its members understand and agree to behave in a manner consistent with the best traditions of sportsmanship and MARA’s core values.

Adapted and amended from the USSA Code of Conduct 5/12

Team Jacket Agreement

Most MARA athletes will receive a MARA Karbon jacket for use in the program.

At the conclusion of the season, MARA jackets must be returned to MARA on the final day of the athlete’s program.  Jackets should be returned unwashed (we clean them at the end of the season). Hoods need to be attached and pockets need to be emptied.

In most years, a final collection event will be arranged in town for those who were unable to return jackets on their last day of training.  This will usually occur in early April.  Details will be emailed to members as the end of the season approaches.

If the jacket is not returned by the final collection event, the $100 jacket deposit will be cashed.

If a jacket is not returned by May 1, or it is returned in unusable condition (beyond normal wear and tear) you will be charged for the replacement of the jacket (the $100 deposit plus an additional $150).  

Extensions will be granted for athletes participating in late season races as a MARA athlete or attending the MARA Mt. Hood summer ski camp program.  In this case, jackets will need to be returned to a designated MARA representative on the final day of the event.